Thursday, April 1, 2010

Adoptions!!!, Octopus:p and Friends:)

I was trying to think of some of the most exciting things that have been going on to tell you about because I think I've missed some of it. So...
1. A few days ago we had to take 7 babies to take passport pictures... quite an experience! We got lots of looks. lol We each had 2 babies in our arms holding them the whole time, and surprisingly it went very well!!
2. Since 7 need passport pictures I'm sure you can guess we have a lot that are about to leave. So I told you already about Lucas who left, and this Tuesday 1 boy goes home with my friend Jess' mom and while they are at the airport leaving we have 2 adoptive families coming in to get 2 more boys!! So it'll be absolutely insane but oh so exciting, because I've decided as much as I love them(it doesn't take long to completely fall in love with each one) it is SO much more exciting to see them get to go to a wonderful home and get al the love and attention they deserve, we give them all we can but a one on one ratio will just but so much better for them, and it's just so fun!!
3. Which brings me to #3, we may have a bunch leaving BUT there are always more coming in, we got a sweet new girl 1 or 2 days ago(I can't remember the days kind of mush together lol) And there is still the small baby in the hospital waiting to gain weight to come see us, and our little boy who is still in the hospital and we hope and pray he comes home soon, he is still having a hard time though, so extra prayers would be appreciated!!
4. We had outdoor playtime with the babies today, it was a nice temp, outside but the sun was behind the clouds so they all got to get some fresh air and go for stroller rides and all that good stuff, they really love it, it's so cute to see their faces :) And we enjoy the nice outdoor break as well :)
5. I ate octopus the other day...! I need to quit asking what I'm eating, I was told at first it was fried tofu, nope. And right in the middle of eating I found out if was octopus, and it had been tasting good, so I had to down the last 2 bites cause once i know it doesn't taste so great. lol So that makes my new food list grow, first-shark, second-frog jelly, third-squid, fourth-octopus. ewww!! Oh and today we found snails almost the size of your palm, well like a smaller women's palm and someone came by and said oh save it we'll fry it and it and we screamed, i think i'd have to draw the line at snails that we actually found outside in the yard!!
6. We have a new helper coming tomorrow, another elderly lady.
7. My chinese is coming along! Well i think so anyways... the kids don't. lol Katie and I stayed for dinner on the big kid side tonight, and were taught a lot, I can count, almost sing 2 songs, I know the parts of the face, a few conversational phrases and the names of a lot more children and Eiyes(or house mothers/aunts) :)

Umm... I feel like I'm forgetting lots of stuff. As far as stuff with the babies, they are all wonderful! We've found a baby praise CD and everyone knows every song by now, we are now trying the find and burn new music. lol But that's been fun! We found some more toys and they are starting to be able to hold and shake them, the older babies can anyways. We've been doing some good book reading and supervised tummy time to get them moving more. We sang christmas and veggie tale songs the other day. And we acted out a play of the bible story Daniel and the Lions Den. lol Katie had the brilliant idea so we talked for the babies and got it on camera to make a video out of it. (that was prolly more entertaining for us than them, but they enjoying the moving around :) lol ) The weather has been sunny and warm but with a breeze, so it's lovely, there has been a lot of fresh fruit and tea brought to us which has been wonderful!
Umm... I'm really beginning to enjoy the company of everyone here, not that I didn't before but it's just a lot of fun now. It just takes a while to get comfortable with everyone. And I am starting to feel much more "at home" and comfortable in the home and surroundings and with the schedule, again that just takes time. So thank you all for your home sick prayers, they help so much!! I feel very blessed, the girls that I work with here are wonderful, we have gotten a long so well, and are starting to really get to know each other. We had a fun night talking and being silly during dinner outside a few nights ago, and just little things like that are really starting to help :) So Katie and Jess, if you're reading this, I love you guys and feel so blessed that I get to be here with you guys! And Sho hwa, and Carolyn and Mrs.Annette, ya'll are wonderful, I love being around you guys, and getting to talk with you!
Hmm... I think that's mostly it for now, I can't believe it's April! Megan, I'm on my second package of letters, can you believe it?! It makes time feel like it goes by fast, today was the 25th day i've been gone. That's over 3 weeks! So we were talking today and decided the days feel long and slow but the weeks just go by so fast! Anyways, as much as I'm starting to enjoy it here, I still miss you all at home very much and think about you all the time! I can't wait to see you all again!! MUCH LOVE <3

1 comment:

  1. It's Thursday and warm again altho the wind is blowing. Typical IA Spring. We took Grandpa's truck in for some repairs and oil change and will leave it over the weekend. We'll go to Logan tomorrow and run errands with G. G'ma M. We'll be going to Co. Bluffs to pick up the needed items. I walked to the lake today,and rode the stationery bike for 25 minutes. Had to get an electrician to come and figure out why one of the lights in the kitchen ceiling washn't working. He figured out it was the light bulb. Although it was new it wouldn't work in that ceiling fixture. No one can figure it out as the light bulb works in a lamp. A friend at church asked me to make a flannel baby blanket for her disable grandson. He was in the hospital recently with the RSV virus and used his little sister's blanket which I had given them. So I have the fabric and washed it and it's ready to sew. It's dark navy and has planets and comets. I'm going out to vacuum the car and dust it a little. Can't take G'ma in a dirty car. We've decided on pizza burgers for supper. We used to make them when your Dad was just a boy. I found Kate had dipped some strawberries in the melted candies yesterday and decorated them so pretty. They are yummy. She didn't take them with her so I've been eating them. We enjoyed your list of "eats" that have been tried, but are not on your favorites list. Aunt Jill used to pick snails off her plants in Modesto. They weren't as large as yours though. We love the stories re: the babies and their new parents. What a gift for them. We love you.
