Wednesday, January 20, 2010


So i really wanted to blog but thought i didn't have much to say but then i realized you haven't heard yet! It's official!! I get to go! My parents hadn't given me an exact yes and it was my birthday and all day i was like if they don't say yes i'm just going to ask so it was the end of the day and we were opening presents and the last one i opened was Rosetta Stone Mandarin Chinese :) That's when i knew it was a yes, obviously and then my dad gave me a Taiwan folder with all these maps and pictures and calculations from English things to Taiwanese things, things like money, distance etc. And, it was hilarious, he had googled directions to Taiwan just for the heck of it and it actually gave him driving instructions for the whole thing and it was like 10 pages long. So then i was like wait do they expect you to just drive across the oceans? So he said no go look at what it said, so i did and here is what it said....first to get to hawaii it wants me to kayak across the pacific ocean for 2,756 miles or 14 days and 5 hours, no not kidding then to get to japan from hawaii it says to kayak across the pacific ocean again for 3,879 miles or 20 days... it only gets better watch its like they run out of ideas, so from japan to china it says.....jet ski across the pacific ocean for 486 miles or 13 hours and finally from china to taiwan, swim across the pacific ocean for 102 miles or 20 hours. I was dying laughing at this point and was like this can not be serious but it was he simply googled directions from midland, tx to lo-tung, taiwan. So go google directions to someplace across seas and see what you get! So anyways i was thrilled! It made my birthday :) The more and more i hear and think about it the more excited i get about it. Yes the more it becomes a reality it does make me nervous but i'm just ready to do it, so excited, and i know God will help me with all i'm nervous about. The reaction i keep getting is wow that's far away and thats a long time and i just have to smile and say yes, each time i do that i get more excited :)) I've been looking at all of my friend's pictures and practicing chinese, which by the way, they say english is the most difficult language to learn, i SO disagree, chinese is crazy it's just a bunch of sounds for a certain words then after you get the right sounds for the right letters you have to put it with a picture and remember the picture, i am so not even there yet and it's already difficult, my mouth can not make a lot of the sounds! So anyways, now i'm working on paperwork for a visa and things like that, and i realized....I finally get a stamp in my passport!! It's not Italy but i think this might just be better :) So anyways i'm really looking forward to meeting all the people that live there, to learning the babies names, to seeing my friend that is there now, to just everything, like i have no idea what to expect and what all could happen in like 11 weeks or something like that but i'm looking forward to the that, the unknown! And i can't wait to see what God does, what he does there with the babies and all the people living there, what he does through the new relationships that will be built, what he'll do in me, it makes me so happy just thinking about it :)

Oh dear i just realized how long this is, no one is going to read this... lol oh well again it's just as much for me as you, so if you don't read it at least i'll still have it :) and if you do, you are a very very kind person:) Well that's all for now!!

Saturday, January 9, 2010

1st ENTRY!!

Well i kinda started my blog under my blog description but i was past my limit so i had to stop so to continue what i had been saying there...I am doing this because I want to remember this experience, I want to learn from, and really take advantage of all of it. So I don't leave till March but I want to see the whole process, what goes on with me before, during and after this experience. I don't want to forget it, i want to be able to be 80 years old barely leaving my house maybe having alzheimer's haha...that was kinda depressing there sorry lol... and get to re-experience it and feel it all again and remember. So i guess this blog is mainly for me but it is kinda also for you guys reading it. I hope you enjoy reading it and what i really want is for us to not feel so far away and disconnected. I want you guys to comment so we can talk, you can even blog about yourself in the comments so that i can hear whats going on with you, I love you guys and want to stay close!! So again i guess i'm a little ahead of myself since i don't leave for two months...again if i do leave, all of this really depends on if i go for sure, however I was deep;y ncouraged by today's Jesus Calling for those of you who read it look at it, for those of you who don't i highly recomend you get this book it's amazing. It's Jesus Calling, by Sarah Young, it's a great little devotional book, one that just really seems to speak everyone but each in a unique way, like you feel that the author wrote it just for you. Anyways... the highlights from todays that i loved said, "When you decide on a course of action that is in line with My will, nothing in heaven or on earth can stop you. You may encounter many obstacles as you move toward your goal, but don't be discouraged,-- never give up!! (that's just so uplifting and hopeful) ...Much, much stress results from your wanting to make things happen before their times have come. One of the main ways I assert My sovereignty is in the timing of events. If you want to stay close to me and do things my way, ask Me to show you the path forward moment by moment. Instead of dashing headlong toward you goal, let Me set the pace. Slow down, and enjoy the journey in MY presence." So that end part kind of made me nervous like oh great is this a sign i'm not going to go but that's not what the point is the point is no matter what, whether you have to wait of whether it happens now slow down and enjoy me and all that i do for you in MY time not yours. So i'm trying to let that be a focus as well as remembering nothing can prevent something from happening that is God's will so i'm gonna work hard to make this trip work because i do feel like it is God's will but if it's not and it doesn't work out i'll be ok with that too. And these are the 2 verses that really stuck out to me from today's devo, Romans 8:31-What shall we say about such wonderful things as these? If God is for us, who can ever be against us? And... Luke 1:37-For nothing is impossible with God. Well i guess that's all for right now, i have a bunch more thoughts but i think i'll share them later, i'm getting a head ache from the computer screen. lol Audios!!