Sunday, February 14, 2010


Ok here is the address to write me letters :) I believe this is correct, if not i'll fix it!

The Home of God’s Love
Ellen Mindrup
P.O. Box 9
Lo-Tung 265, Taiwan R.O.C.

And if you want to call or text my cell phone you can but it's 50 cents for a text i think and about 3 dollars per minute. I can call you though and it won't charge you so it'd prolly be better to just text me and tell me to call you. Or even better download skype and it's free! I'm gonna double check on all of this too but for now there are the basics. And there's always facebook and e-mail!

1 comment:

  1. hannah and hannah again! were calling you everyday!....thats so cheap man! ;)
