Thursday, March 18, 2010

Well i guess it gives me time to update my blog... lol

During our 2 o'clock feeding today i started not feeling good. The stomach flu and respiratory stuff has been going around. My stomach started not feeling so good and i got hot and weak so i have been laying down since around 2:30. I slept till 5 and my stomach felt a little better so I was gonna go down and help with 5 o'clock feeding but i'm banned from babies till tomorrow just in case. So i've been trying to catch up on messages and pictures and stuff. And yes mother i've stayed awake since 5 so that I can sleep better tonight :) Don't worry i'm good :)

So all that to say now i have lots of time to blog. lol My dad left yesterday and it was sad :( I love you and miss you daddy!! But i appreciate the prayers! We got a new baby today! He is precious and a big boy for being 1 month, which is good! We have a couple ones that are really little. So that makes a total of 25 babies, however 3 are in the hospital :( We had to take one more in today. We think they have RSV maybe but apparently they don't diagnose that in Taiwan. We did get an update on one of the babies and she had started eating again and wasn't throwing up anymore so that was a good update! Oh and we are supposed to be getting another baby within the weekend or maybe week, they are just waiting till he reaches a certain wait so that will be 26! I think that's just so crazy but we have a pretty good system in place and they are getting taken care of well and loved on.

A typical schedule for the days looks like this,
Feedings are at 8, 11, 2, 5, and 8 during the day. There is also a night schedule but i don't know it yet. Those are the times for the bigger babies, the younger ones are on a more flexible schedule, they eat every 3 hours usually unless they don't eat much then we feed them again when they cry so they are kind of spread out at different times but we try to keep them close to older ones if we can. Between 8 and 11 i believe is nap time(they have been up for a while before the 8 feeding), then from 11 to 2 is play time they are all out on a rug or in chairs or being held and just getting played with and sung to and talked to, between 2 and 5 is another nap time(and occasionally helper nap time :) ) then from 5 to 8 the big kids on the other side of the home take the babies for play time and hold them during their devotional time(it's so cute that they all help take care of the babies, they have to help feed and change diapers too sometimes) then after 8 is baby bed time :) And at each feeding they get their diapers changed, so very often!

Today instead of the first nap time we did baths! (for those of you at lunch my last days in the states-The idea of spraying them all off with the hose came up!!! hahahaha just as a joke but it made laugh. we just used the bath and the sink for the little ones) That was quite a job, 22 baths is a bunch! lol They smell much better after though :) It was so cute one of our older ones could sit in the bath by himself and he was hysterically, he laughed the whole time he was in the and kicked his hands and arms the whole time like a swimmer, he absolutely loved the water! which i thought was strange for a little one.

Oh and terri, they just have a bunch of trash cans all over the house and they get emptied a couple times a day and put outside then they get taken to the trash man a couple times a week. lol Sorry no big dumpster ;) just normal.

So i'm trying to think what else to tell you...not that this post isn't long enough already. lol Ah people, i'll tell you about the people. We have a good amount of helpers which has been so nice! We have Grandma Bev who is one of the owners, Shu wah (sp?) who lives here in Taiwan and has been coming for about 6 years to work here everyday, Grandma Wyuma (sp?) She is here for about 3 months I believe, but she lives in the states, then Allisyn and Mandee and Thatcher which are Grandma Bevs grandchildren and great grandchildren, they all leave in 11 days I believe, then Jess who has been here 3 months and will be here another 3 months, she is one of Alli's friends, then my room mate Katie :) i love her! We got a long really well from the start and it has been such a blessing to make a sweet friend and have someone to talk to. Then there are other people that randomly come on different days, but it works so well to have so many people cause we can do lots of shift and covering for people so that everyone can catch up on some sleep as well. Everyone has been so sweet and are very good at caring for the babies! The older kids on the other side are so cute and shy sometimes, other times not so much ;) But we get to see them at meal times when we go to the other side of the home where they live and where the kitchen is. And Grandpa Ted is in charge of that side along with help from some Iues(pronounced by saying the letters, i-u) which means Aunties and they live there and take care of them as well. Ted has been great as well, when my dad was here he took us and a couple of his friends to see Taroko Gorge which is a national park here, and we had a blast! He is a wonderful tour guide, funny, and an interesting driver ;) (kind of reminded me of a taxi cab driver lol) So to sum it up, everyone has been wonderful and I'm enjoying it all! Still adjusting to everything but it's been good so far! Well that's plenty for now :) lol Love you all!!

Here are some pictures of what the place looks like!

And here are some from our trip to Taroko Gorge!

We were on a suspension bridge and we are both scared of heights, so this is our before picture. lol
This was an old presbyterian church started by a taiwanese woman and Grandpa Ted took us there and told us the story of how she started first in a cave under this church then he took us down there, it was so neat!

1 comment:

  1. Oh, such a day with all the babies. They are so depending on you for all their needs. Isn't it just a picture of our needing to depend on Jesus for everything? I loved the word picture of the little guy taking a bath. My great nephew, Everett, loves his bathtime, too. I'm glad you and Katie are becoming good friends. Great day today with sunshine and warmer temps. Snow and rain for Saturday to keep us on our toes. All the snow piles are gone from the yard and driveway. I went out for coffee with two special friends today at "our" Panera. It feels good to feel good enough to go out and have a conversation. I'm driving the car again, too. Grandpa is home from errands. Lunch time. Love you. Hope you stay feeling good.
